What makes us human?


Surely It is something more than flesh and bones… What makes a human being different from any other animal? Is it our ability to reason? to love? to self evaluate? to tell right from wrong?  Could a android ever have this qualities? could they surpass us?
This are some of the questions that came to mind after watching Blade Runner. In the movie it certainly does not look good for humans. The whole city in which the movie takes place has a feeling of decadence, it is highly contaminated and overpopulated and humans are the cold blooded murders of  sentient beings. All they seem to want is to be left alone, to have an identity, to live more than the four years they are programmed with. It is summarized in what for me is the most iconic quote in the movie:
“Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it?”
The whole setup of the movie made me empathize with the replicants, because they die in such tragic deaths, humiliating in a lot of cases, alone, with no one on their side.
On top of this It would seem like the main character is a replicant, one of the clues for this is that someone left him an origami unicorn, which is what he had been thinking about, and there is no way someone could have known that unless he/she had seen the file of what had been implanted in his brain.
This is would mean that not only did he spend his whole life believing he was human like Rachel, but he would’ve spent his whole life killing others like him. It seems like a very interesting angle and I am disappointed that the movie chose not to address it directly.
Overall I found this to be a very enjoyable, thought provoking movie and I will definitely watch it again in the future.

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